National Children's Advocacy Center

National Children's Advocacy Center


Association & Organizations-Non-ProfitChild AdvocacyChildren ServicesChildren ServicesChildren Services

About Us

Our mission is to champion and strengthen the global response to child abuse. Founded in 1985 in Huntsville, Alabama, under the leadership of former Congressman and District Attorney Bud Cramer, we are the world’s first Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC). The CAC model revolutionized the response to child abuse by coordinating a multidisciplinary team (MDT) to handle abuse allegations. In this model, children speak with specialized interviewers in a child-friendly, non-threatening environment, minimizing further trauma. As the model for thousands of CACs and Barnahus centers worldwide.

Video Media


The Community Services Building is located on Pratt Avenue
We have trained thousands of child abuse response professionals since 1985.

Rep/Contact Info

Chris Newlin
Executive Director