Ribbon Cutting: The Vessel Community Ceramic Studio
Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting for The Vessel Community Ceramic Studio!
The Vessel is a space where you can fill your cup by growing your skills and connecting with like-minded people. We offer in-depth courses for aspiring and established potters.
Students will receive instruction on the basics of ceramics including hand-building, throwing, and glazing basic foundational forms. Class time includes demonstrations, opportunities for one-on-one instruction, and independent exploration.
By the end of our time together students will understand the foundational vocabulary and processes of ceramics, with an emphasis on wheel throwing. Tools and materials will be provided.

Date and Time
Monday Nov 27, 2023
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM CST
Parking is available at Charlie Foster Coffee Shop (closest parking) or in the empty lot between The Foundry and the Stovehouse office (other side of Stovehouse Campus).
Contact Information
Sarah Crabtree
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