MEMBER EVENT: Turn Fear into Power - Fueling Your Journey to Success
Embark on a transformative journey to conquer fear and unlock your ultimate potential in the business world.
Join us for "Turn Fear into Power: Fueling Your Journey to Success," where we'll show you how to turn fear into your greatest asset. Delve into the psychological and neurological underpinnings of fear, identify common anxieties in the business arena, and cultivate a personalized toolkit to overcome them.
Through real-life success stories, including insights from the remarkable Sonya Bailor, and engaging role-play exercises, you'll acquire invaluable strategies to navigate fear and propel your career to new heights. Leave empowered with confidence and equipped with the tools to fearlessly advance in the world of business.

Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 5, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Free event
Contact Information
Women in Tech // HSV
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