MEMBER EVENT: Maintenance Maintenance Mgmt. Certificate (2 days)
The heart of an effective maintenance strategy is a robust, risk-based preventive maintenance program. As the name implies, the focus of preventive maintenance is to prevent failures, premature wear or damage – to prevent the need for corrective maintenance.
Unlike traditional programs, this session will provide a best practice approach to preventive maintenance. It will help attendees significantly improve availability, reduce corrective maintenance and extend useful life.
The Maintenance Management Certificate Program provides a comprehensive management development program for existing and aspiring maintenance management professionals. The program is aimed at current and aspiring maintenance managers, engineers, supervisors, planners, but is applicable to all who have a direct interest in or are affected by maintenance performance and its impact on the enterprise.
While the program is maintenance-centric, the methods, standard processes and logic are applicable to all organizational functions. This comprehensive program is applicable to all industries and facilities, as well as to single-plant or global enterprises.

Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 5, 2024
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
June 5-6, 2024
Virtual only
Early Bird – $977 (expires May 5)
Standard – $1,150 UA
Employee – $977 (Call 205-348-3000)
For additional pricing and discounts, visit the registration page.
Contact Information
Mary Patterson, CPA, SHRM-CP
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