MEMBER EVENT: APSU College of STEM Traveling Science on Tap
Austin Peay State University (APSU) College of STEM Science on Tap features COSTEM faculty presenting fascinating topics to the community. It's something we do monthly in Clarksville but are taking on the road to Huntsville!
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field, engage in though-provoking discussion and meet APSU alumni in the greater Huntsville area. This month's topic includes March Mammal Madness: Survival strategies of mammals living in the heat and cold by Dr. Catherine Haase, Assistant Professor in the APSU Department of Biology, Animal Energetics, Thermal Biology, and Environmental Physiology.
Meet our Dean of the College of STEM, Dr. Karen Meisch!

Date and Time
Friday Mar 15, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Free and Open to the public. Great for all ages!
RSVP link will be open leading up to the event.
Contact Information
Kendell Sinks
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