MEMBER EVENT: 22nd Annual Fall Social Work Conference (2-day)
The Annual Fall Social Work Conference presents national speakers along with the latest research to child welfare practitioners in Alabama.
Through the Title IV-E partnership between the Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Alabama Higher Education Consortium on Child Welfare, The University of Alabama School of Social Work is able to host the conference every year, each focusing on a different aspect of public child welfare.
This conference is designed with the public child welfare workforce in mind, but would be beneficial to anyone working with at-risk children and their families – for example, school social workers, therapists, foster parents and child-placing agencies.
The 22nd Annual Fall Social Work Conference will offer nine contact hours.

Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 3, 2023
October 3–4, 2023
Full two-day conference: $150 per person
Early bird rate available before Sept. 12
After Sept. 12 is $175 per person
Click HERE to register.
Contact Information
(205) 348-6225
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