2020 Upwards Career & Training Fair (July)
We invite you to participate in the FREE Upwards Career & Training Fair virtually on July 14-16. The Huntsville/Madison County Chamber is collaborating with our local workforce council and educational partners to assist dislocated workers impacted by COVID-19 with training opportunities and in-demand job openings. This event seeks to match job seekers interested in upskilling and finding a fulfilling career with employers who have high-demand jobs that provide family-sustaining wages.
It is a collaborative effort across all 13 counties in north Alabama. Other chambers and economic development agencies will be marketing this throughout their communities as well. There is no cost for you to participate.
Employers/training organizations: please register via UpwardsAlabama.com.
Once registered, you will be able to begin uploading information to build your Virtual Booth. Each company / training organization will need to prepare and upload the following:
- One video welcoming job seekers to your virtual booth and explaining more about your company/training organization
- At least one specific position you are hiring for and a job description in any format (companies)
- Up to three specific interview questions that align with the company culture or the specific position (companies)
- At least three educational tracks job seekers may want to consider (training orgs)
- A description of your company/school/organization, including the mission, vision, values, and potential opportunities to grow
- A company/school logo
This virtual fair will be live throughout the week, and we ask each employer/training provider to commit to being available for the chat hours listed. The Huntsville/Madison County Chamber and partner organizations will work to promote this across all of north Alabama.
We hope you will be able to participate and share your wonderful career or training opportunities with our regional community!

Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020 Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Tuesday, July 14, 1–4 p.m.
Wednesday, July 15, 2–4 p.m. (7–8 p.m. optional)
Thursday, July 16, 9–12 p.m.
Virtual event
Free event. Registration required.
Register at UpwardsAlabama.com.
Contact Information
Lydia Pennington
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